Before we can be friends we need to be strangers. Strangers play such a huge role in our lives and yet I'm sure so many people don't see how. Because really? How can someone you don't know make your day/ week/ life better?? It's easy, and it's these strangers I like to call nameless friends. A small gesture (eg. a smile) can change your whole day. While out at a local club Saturday night my friends and I came across a number of nameless friends in amoungst the sea of strangers.
A club patron cleared the table off for us to sit at before we had a chance to do it ourselves or get bar staff to do it. Very sweet xx
Out on the dance floor as per usual quite a number of nameless friends wanting to dance :-)
Compliments on my singing from a number of people (I still think they need their hearing tested but oh well)
Free mini m&m's and fun conversations with a particular club staff member, are just some examples of things that made my night enjoyable.
Of course I had a great time with my friends who'd come out with me, but I just felt the need to promote the power of strangers in our lives, our nameless friends. I appreciate their presence in my life even if it was only for a number of seconds. Sometimes we get lucky enough to form a stronger connection with our nameless friends that we progress to learning their names and they become our friend.
For now I must go rest but I just wanted to put it out into the world my appreciation for strangers THANKYOU
Nat xx
OOHHH how sweet and how true.